About conference
‘Conference is something we try to do every month. It’s where we gather either at the shala or online and I usually talk about some part of yoga theory or philosophy and then answer any questions. Occasionally we have a big meal together. It can become a nice social time. Conference has been a traditional aspect of the astanga community starting in Mysore but has its heritage in Indian spiritual schools.’
Hamish Hendry
Conference is free to attend and open to all – whether or not you practise at the shala. It usually lasts for approximately an hour depending on questions.
See below for dates of our next conference and some recordings of previous conferences.
Our next conference
Join us for conference at the shala. Hamish will talk about various topics relevant to yoga.
As always, there will be time at the end to answer any questions. Open to all. Free of charge.
Sunday 05th January at 11.30am at the shala
Email Hamish to ask any questions you’d like included in the conference.